Siem Reap: Meetings and more meetings

As this is to be a mission trip, there were bound to be a number of meetings.

There wasn’t much in the way of solid information on the actual physical task at hand (to build the water filter).

Questions that seemed pertinent to me were neither raised nor addressed (data roaming, travel arrangements). Seems like everyone is still a bit on guard.

As was recommended, I had to get some vaccinations. I waited more than an hour for my tetanus and typhoid jab (I now firmly believe that waiting areas need to have complimentary phone chargers). When I did go in, I had to wait for another 5 minutes. When the doctor finally came in though, I could see why there was such a queue for this clinic. The doctor was very charming and disarming. She began to explain to me the details of the shots like how long it lasts and to what degree.

She deftly distracted me with conversation while she stuck the 2 needles in my arm. That being said, that jab didn’t hurt at all. Compared to the 3 wasp stings I got the day before, this honestly felt like nothing. Then again, it could be because it really felt like nothing at all. Those wasps though. Urgh.

Met Angeline there though it took me just a short while to remember her name but by then it was too late to say it. She forgot mine too though. hahaha.

So that’s how my first trip ended up being to Siem Reap

I had spent the second half of December 2016 trying to decide where and whether or not to go on a solo trip.

There was a sale (turned out to not really be a sale) on Jetstar’s website and the “promotional pricing” would only last till the end of December. I felt the pressure to make a decision on where to go but with the perceived complexities of only having a carry-on, and then deciding on where to go, the decision was not easy. I did, however, at least manage to decide on an entire week in February (9th to 15th).

On New Year’s Eve, the day I started writing the first words on the first post of this blog, I finally gave up trying pick a destination while simultaneously deciding to commit to go for that solo trip, wherever and whenever it may be.

As it was a Saturday, before I headed out for the NYE celebrations, I went to church to attend Mass.

I don’t usually pick up the church bulletin but for some reason, this time I did.

In the bulletin was a request for volunteers to help out with a Church mission to build water filters in Siem Reap. It was also a 7 day trip in February though from the 12th to the 18th!

Most of the time, when I notice God helping me out, it tends to be in a very cheeky way and this seemed to be no different. It’s kinda like He lets me try to make the decision first and if I can’t decide or if I come to the wrong conclusion, He steps in and points me in the right direction.

So inwardly, I was grinning like a little schoolboy at God’s help in the matter. If I had committed to my solo trip, I would not have been able to go for this one!

In fact, it was more than just that.

As this was to be a mission trip, one could expect at least a few meetups prior to the actual trip itself. 3 days before I found out about this trip, an event that would have clashed with one of the days, was cancelled.

As I got to finding out about what would be involved in the mission, I began to have doubts about my ability and value, especially since it was pointed out to me that only 9 slots were available. I eventually suggested that the organiser consider me only if there weren’t enough people.

As it turned out, there was such a positive response that they added even more slots for the mission. For reasons unknown to me, despite the extra slots being filled at first, one eventually opened up and I was invited to join the mission.

So that’s the story of how my first trip ended up being to Siem Reap.